Syntropy Is

Syntropy Is Order, Power, Organization, Creation, and Life


One of my most useful scientific discoveries is the fact that Quantum Mechanics or Syntropy is the NORM. Psyche and Spirit Matter are based upon Quantum Mechanics or Syntropy. The primal construct or primal reality is Quantum Mechanics or Syntropy – it’s without a beginning of days or an end of years. Quantum Mechanics and Syntropy have NO physical limitations. This reality has been experienced and observed. Observation and experience are Science. Quantum Mechanics is one of our best-proven and most-used Scientific Disciplines.

So, why physical matter, or whence physical matter?

Physical matter was not a part of the Primal Construct. Physical matter is not a part of the NORM. God infused a part of his power, energy, psyche, and glory into each particle of physical matter thereby converting it from spirit matter to physical matter.

Why would God do such a thing?

The goal was to create the Ultimate Consensus Reality. A physical reality is the Ultimate Consensus Reality. It is highly reliable, dependable, and predictable. It’s ordered and lawful. It keeps the Commandments of God – the physical laws. In a physical reality, I can depend on this paper being here on my computer and cloud drive tomorrow when I go looking for it. I can depend upon my physical body being here tomorrow as well in basically the same shape it was yesterday.

God deliberately infused a part of Himself into each particle of physical matter in order to minimize the uncertainties natively and naturally associated with spirit matter. When it comes to physical matter – all of the physical laws, the sub-light speed limit associated with the Theory of Relativity, and the deliberately short De Broglie Wavelength associated with physical matter greatly limit and reduce the Quantum Uncertainties which are a native, inherent, and original part of spirit matter.

A ton of interesting science, knowledge, and truth can be acquired by making a detailed comparison between Syntropy and Entropy. What we are in fact doing is comparing Quantum Physics with Classical Physics. We are comparing the Primal Construct with the Ultimate Consensus Reality. The one has always existed, and the other one was made by God to reduce the Quantum Uncertainties to a minimum.

Do you see how that works and why it is necessary?

The Ultimate Consensus Reality, a physical reality, wouldn’t be possible without the physical laws and classical physics which were deliberately designed and put into place by God to greatly reduce and minimize the Quantum Uncertainties that are an integral and native part of spirit matter to begin with.

God deliberately and purposefully keeps the physical atoms within your physical body from quantum tunneling away from you at will. That’s what the physical laws or the Commandments of God do. They greatly reduce and limit the Quantum Uncertainties that are a native and original part of spirit matter.

There’s tons of scientific evidence proving that the Physical Constants were precisely fine-tuned by some kind of Fine-Tuner, which means that the Physical Constants were deliberately made by Someone Psyche or Someone Intelligent in order to reduce and minimize the effects of Quantum Uncertainty and thereby greatly increase the reliability, dependability, and predictability of our Physical Consensus Reality. It was done with a purpose in mind. It works because God makes it work.

Scientific Observation or Premise: Anything that was obviously fine-tuned obviously had a Fine-Tuner who fine-tuned it.

Scientific Observations: A genome was obviously fine-tuned. A protein and a gene were obviously fine-tuned with a specific purpose in mind. Our physical universe and the physical constants were obviously fine-tuned. Your computer and your car were obviously fine-tuned. This computer program that I’m using was obviously fine-tuned. Your physical body was clearly fine-tuned for specific purposes. The neurotransmitters within your brain were clearly and obviously fine-tuned. It’s undeniable.

Scientific Conclusion: ALL of these things were obviously fine-tuned which means that they obviously have a Fine-Tuner who fine-tuned them.

This is one of the most convincing Scientific Proofs of God’s Existence that I have encountered so far. It works because the Premises and the Conclusion have been experienced and observed. It works because it is Science.

Syntropy versus Entropy


Let’s compare Syntropy with Entropy and see what we can learn.

Syntropy is Order, Organization, Creation, and Life. Syntropy is one of my greatest scientific discoveries. Quantum Mechanics is Syntropy. Spirit Matter or Dark Matter is Syntropy. Magnetism, Dark Energy, and Gravity are some sort of Syntropy. The Strong and Weak Nuclear Forces are a type of Syntropy. The Zero-Point Field is Syntropy. Quantum Waves are Syntropy. Thoughts and Memories are Syntropy. Psyche or Quantum Non-Local Consciousness is Syntropy. Syntropy is eternal and everlasting, without a beginning of days or an end of years.

Entropy is disorder, randomness, chaos, disease, and death. Materialism, Naturalism, Atheism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Classical Physics, and the Theory of Evolution are based exclusively upon entropy. Entropy cannot design and create. Entropy is death and extinction.

Random mutations are entropy. Natural selection or survival of the fittest results in death or entropy. Entropy cannot design and create. Entropy is death. Death cannot design and create. Chemical Evolution, Macro-Evolution, Spontaneous Generation, Abiogenesis, and Creation Ex Nihilo are prevented from happening by entropy and physical laws. Chemical Evolution or Macro-Evolution is physically impossible thanks to entropy. Evolution of any kind is based upon entropy, and entropy prevents the Theory of Evolution from becoming true.

The very existence of entropy FALSIFIES Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Chemical Evolution, Macro-Evolution, and the Theory of Evolution because entropy proves that these things cannot design and create anything at all. Furthermore, the existence of entropy proves that some sort of Syntropy must exist. All of that subsequent entropy would not have been possible without a massive infusion of Syntropy to begin with. This is logical common sense.

The Fruits of Entropy


One of my greatest scientific observations and scientific discoveries came to me when I finally realized that Materialism, Naturalism, and Darwinism have been falsified trillions of different times in thousands of different ways. That was a major conceptual breakthrough for me because I used to be a Materialist, Naturalist, Nihilist, and Atheist. Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Behaviorism, Determinism, Physical Reductionism, and Atheism are based exclusively upon entropy; and, entropy prevents the Theory of Evolution from becoming true.

Materialism, Naturalism, and Darwinism are BEST defined as “Design and Creation by Physical Matter” or “Creation by Entropy”. These people literally believe and teach that the rocks – physical reactions – or entropy designed, programmed, created, engineered, field-tested, manufactured, and deployed ALL of the different genomes and life forms on this planet. That’s what these people really believe, and that’s what these people teach in all of our public classrooms.

Ironically, Louis Pasteur falsified Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, and the Theory of Evolution in 1859 by demonstrating that the rocks – raw physical matter – cannot design and create. Entropy cannot design and create. It’s physically impossible! That was the same year that Charles Darwin published, “On the Origin of Species”. Louis Pasteur proved the Theory of Evolution or Creation by Rocks false the same year that Charles Darwin introduced his theory to the world. We’ve known from the very beginning of the theory that the Theory of Evolution is false because entropy cannot design and create. Remember, Science and the scientific methods can be used to prove theories false. It’s called falsifying a theory; and, that’s what the scientific methods do, or are supposed to do.

Technically, the scientific methods can’t be used to prove anything true. Due to a wide variety of different logic fallacies which are built directly into the scientific methods, the scientific methods cannot be used to prove a theory true, as the Materialists, Naturalists, and Darwinists try to do.

Instead, we can use the scientific methods to falsify theories. Using the scientific methods to prove our theories false is philosophically and logically sound. In other words, if you falsify a theory by negating the consequent, you have in fact proven that theory false.

Here’s how it works in principle:

Scientific Hypothesis: If Theory X is true, then we will observe Y.

Scientific Observations: We don’t observe Y.

Scientific Conclusion: Therefore, Theory X is not true.

Here’s how it works in practice:

Scientific Hypothesis: If the Theory of Evolution, Materialism, Naturalism, and Darwinism are true, then we will observe the rocks and physical reactions designing, creating, and manufacturing genomes and life forms from scratch.

Scientific Observations: We have NEVER observed the rocks and physical reactions designing and creating genomes and life forms; and, we NEVER will. They can’t. It’s physically impossible and prevented from happening by entropy.

The Scientific Conclusion: Therefore, the Theory of Evolution, Materialism, Naturalism, and Darwinism are not true. They have been successfully falsified by the Scientific Method.

See: Slife, B. D. & Williams, R. N. (1995). Science and Human Behavior. In What’s Behind the Research? Discovering Hidden Assumptions in the Behavioral Sciences, (pp. 167–204). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.

I just successfully falsified Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, and the Theory of Evolution; and, I used the Scientific Method to do so! Best of all, my argument is philosophically and logically sound. I have in fact falsified Materialism, Darwinism, Naturalism, and the Theory of Evolution for REAL! I just used the Scientific Method to PROVE these things false. I successfully used the Scientific Methods for what they are good for – falsifying theories that are false. I wish I would have known how to do that forty years ago. It would have saved me a lot of confusion and grief.

In contrast, there is NO way to falsify theories that are true, such as “Design and Creation by Intelligent Beings or by Intelligent Psyches”. Instead, true theories are continuously verified over and over again. “Design and Creation by Psyche or by Intelligence” has been observed and verified and experienced trillions of trillions of different times and ways, with an infinite number of more to go. See how that works? That’s Science and the Scientific Methods in action for REAL, doing what they are best at!

Entropy and physical matter cannot design and create; but, Syntropy, Psyche, Intelligence, and Quantum Mechanics certainly can. They’ve been caught in the act of doing so.

This has been and is one of my greatest scientific discoveries and scientific observations of all time, during the whole of my science career.

Quantum Mechanics and Syntropy trump classical physics and entropy. In fact, classical physics and entropy are a very small sub-set of Quantum Mechanics and Syntropy. Quantum Mechanics is supernatural in nature and origin. 95% of our universe is supernatural and non-physical – Dark Energy and Dark Matter. Only 5% of our universe is physical matter. The physical matter and entropy are a very small sub-set of the Quantum Mechanics and Syntropy. There are NO physical limitations and NO entropy within spirit matter, psyche, and quantum mechanisms.

I have observed that there are literally thousands of different ways to falsify Creation by Rocks – or Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, and the Theory of Evolution; and, they are all philosophically and logically sound. Thanks to the scientific methods and scientific observations, we KNOW that Creation by Rocks, Materialism, Naturalism, and Darwinism are false because we KNOW why they are false – rocks and physical reactions cannot design and create. Entropy cannot design and create. It’s elementary my dear friend.

There’s NO way that Evolution (Mutation and Selection) could have designed, programmed, engineered, created, and manufactured the first genomes and life forms because Evolution didn’t even exist until AFTER God had designed, created, and deployed the first genomes and life forms in the first place.

I have observed that the Scientific Methods or Observation have been used thousands of different ways to falsify Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, and even Atheism. Atheism is Creation by Nothing, or Creation by Chance. The Atheists really truly believe that Nobody and Nothing designed and created everything. Nobody, Nothing, and Chance are the holy trinity of Atheism. These people believe in those false gods or idols with a passion. Materialism, Naturalism, and Atheism are in fact our modern-day form of idolatry; and, these people are idolaters. These people worship the rocks and physical reactions and entropy as if these things were God.

Ironically, God must of necessity exist in order to have done ALL of the science that needed to be done, which the rocks or raw physical matter could never have done. Only Psyche or some type of Syntropy can design and create; and, God’s Psyche is the only one we know of who was there at the time and could have done the job.

Finally, as a capstone, the Biblical God Jesus Christ has told us repeatedly in the Bible, Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price that HE designed and organized the heavens, this earth, and all of the life forms on this earth. The Biblical God confessed to doing the job.

I’m not going to apologize for finding, learning, and knowing the truth. That’s what we scientists are supposed to do, is it not? I wouldn’t be doing my job if I kept feeding you the falsehoods, the falsified, and the lies; now would I?

For me personally, falsifying Materialism and Darwinism became my first really convincing Scientific Proof of God’s Existence. After falsifying Materialism, Naturalism, and Darwinism, I simply KNEW that God exists. I was finally willing to follow the evidence, wherever it might lead me.

I discovered that entropy or physical matter cannot design and create and manufacture anything at all. That reality is science and truth; and, it is set in stone where our physical universe is concerned.

Mark My Words

Source Material


Mark My Words. (2016). The Theory of Evolution Proved to Me that God Exists: Why I Am No Longer an Atheist and Why I No Longer Believe in the Theory of Evolution. Kindle.

Mark My Words. (2016). The Scientific Method: Proves That the Theory of Evolution Is False. Kindle.