Scientific Proof of Psyche

Scientific Proof of Psyche


One of my greatest, most useful, and most explanatory scientific discoveries came to me when I personally first discovered Psyche or Quantum Non-Local Consciousness.  The ramifications cascaded all throughout my scientific endeavors.

Psyche is the innate intelligence within all the different forms of energy which gives that energy the inherent ability to understand, follow, and obey God’s Laws and God’s Commands.

Science is all about observation and experience.  Go with the experienced and the observed; and then, get rid of all the rest – the philosophical speculation and wishful thinking.

Remember, Psyche or Quantum Non-Local Consciousness has been experienced and observed.  Psyche or Intelligence is a massless quantum or a massless elementary particle; and, Psyche looks like and acts like a Photon whenever it is seen or observed, both at the quantum spiritual level and at the macro physical level.  At every level of existence, Psyche or Intelligence uses mass, energy, or matter in order to get things done.  Photons and other massless quantum particles have been experienced and observed which means that different types of Psyches or Intelligences have also been experienced and observed.  The massless elementary particles within fermions, leptons, quarks, electrons, and neutrinos are Controlling Psyches or Controlling Particles who command and control the mass, energy, forces, and fields that surround them.  This is what has been experienced and observed.

This is one of my greatest, most useful, and most explanatory scientific discoveries of all time.  Every massless elementary particle is some type of Psyche or Intelligence.  It commands and controls everything else that surrounds it.

The Gods can form energy into anything, including physical matter and entropy.  Entropy is a Physical Law.  It was made.  Time is a construct.  Entropy is a function of time.  Entropy is a construct.  Physical matter is Organized Energy or Restricted Energy.  Organized and restricted by whom?  Anything that was obviously organized obviously has an Organizer to organize it.  God’s Psyche is the Organizer.

Psyche is syntropic meaning that Psyche is conserved.  The First Law of Thermodynamics is the Conservation of Psyche.  Syntropy is the First Law of Thermodynamics, which means that Psyche or Energy is conserved.  Syntropy is Eternal Life.  Your Psyche or Intelligence or Life Force was not made, and it cannot be destroyed.  It is eternal and everlasting.  It is conserved.

Entropy is death.  I eventually discovered that the Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, Behaviorists, Determinists, and Atheists use and define the Second Law of Thermodynamics as the Conservation of Entropy or the Conservation of Death.  These people literally teach, preach, and believe that entropy or death is conserved.  These people use the Second Law of Thermodynamics, the Conservation of Entropy, and the Conservation of Death to FALSIFY the First Law of Thermodynamics or the Conservation of Psyche and the Conservation of Eternal Life.  That’s precisely what they do.

He makes this point in the following video:

In this video, he states:

It takes work to expand the volume of the universe, and the new energy turns into dark energy.  But, who’s doing that work?  Where does the energy come from?  The answer is maybe nowhere.  This is where intuition goes completely out the window.  See, the law of conservation of energy no longer applies in an expanding universe.  This law is a property of a Newtonian universe, in which space and time are fixed static dimensions.  In a universe governed by general relativity, this is no longer true.  Energy can be forever lost or gained from nothing within an expanding curved spacetime.

Wow!  He used Creation Ex Nihilo and his Atheism to FALSIFY the First Law of Thermodynamics, the Conservation of Psyche, God’s Psyche, Eternal Life, Syntropy, and the Conservation of Energy.

Creation Ex Nihilo is NOT a scientific explanation.  It’s not an explanation at all.  Creation Ex Nihilo is a blind leap of faith into nothing.  Why did “nothing” decide to fill our universe full of dark energy instead of filling our universe full of concrete?  Creation by nothing from nothing would produce nothing.  Why would nothing produce something rather than nothing?  Creation Ex Nihilo is not an explanation for what things are, why they are, and how they work.  Creation Ex Nihilo lacks explanatory power.  It fails to satisfy.  Yet, these people truly believe that nothing can produce anything and in just the right amounts.  It’s magic.  It’s science fiction.

The realization, that the Naturalists and Atheists define the Second Law of Thermodynamics as the Conservation of Death or the Conservation of Entropy and then use the Second Law of Thermodynamics to FALSIFY the First Law of Thermodynamics or Eternal Life, ended being one of my most interesting and most useful scientific discoveries.

Consequently, Scientific Proof of Psyche ended up becoming one of my primary endeavors once I discovered the existence of Psyche, Syntropy, Life Force, or Eternal Life.

Back in the 1970’s using brain stimulation, Neuroscientists demonstrated that Psyche or Mind is a completely different entity than the physical brain.

What did the Scientific Community do with this amazing scientific discovery?  They swept it under the rug and hid it from the people because it wasn’t telling them what they wanted to hear.  That’s the way the Materialists and Naturalists do science – by hiding and destroying any evidence that falsifies Materialism, Naturalism, and Darwinism.  It works.  It prevents us from finding the truth.

Any Science which points us to Psyche, Mind, Eternal Life, Syntropy, and Quantum Nonlocality is going to end up being vastly superior to the watered-down stuff that we get from the Materialists, Naturalists, and Atheists which is precisely why these people try to hide the First Law of Thermodynamics or the Conservation of Psyche from us.

Scientific Proof of Psyche:

(See:  Penfield, W. (1978). The Mystery of the Mind: A Critical Study of Consciousness and the Human Brain. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.)

(See:  Eccles, J. C., & Popper, K. R. (1977). The Self and Its Brain: An Argument for Interactionism. New York: Routledge.)

(See:  Eccles, J., & Robinson, D. N. (1984). The Wonder of Being Human: Our Brain and Our Mind. New York: The Free Press.)

(See:  Eccles, J. (1985). Mind and Brain: The Many-Faceted Problems. New York: Paragon House Publishers.)

These scientists solved the mind-brain problem over forty years ago; but, the Materialists and Atheists refuse to read the memo.  Materialism and Atheism of any kind are based upon a refusal to look at evidence.  I KNOW, because I used to be a Materialist and an Atheist, until I started looking at the evidence.

Once you KNOW that Psyche or Mind exists, then you are suddenly free to go looking for the Mind of God.

Mark My Words

Wilder Penfield


Penfield, W. (1975). The Mystery of the Mind. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.

This book resolves the Mind-Brain Problem, using Scientific Experiments and Scientific Observations to do so.  Wilder Penfield has the distinction of getting there first.

By using scientific experimentation, scientific methods, brain stimulation, and observation of the results, the Mind-Brain Problem was officially solved in 1975 by Wilder Penfield.  Others have replicated and confirmed Wilder Penfield’s findings; but, he got there first, because he was brave enough to report what he was finding.

The Materialists and Naturalists spend all of their time suppressing and ridiculing this type of observational evidence in an attempt to explain it away or convince us that it does not exist.

Remember, other neuroscientists like John Eccles, Mario Beauregard, and Eben Alexander have come to the very same conclusions, but Wilder Penfield has the distinction of getting there first.  These men tend to quote Wilder Penfield and this book, The Mystery of the Mind, in many of their books and presentations.

The following is some of what they quote:

Is the mind merely a function of the brain?  Or is it a separate but closely related element?

Throughout my own scientific career, I, like other scientists, have struggled to prove that the brain accounts for the mind.

(The Mystery of the Mind, Preface.)

This is the million-dollar question and the ultimate quest.

Is there any evidence of the existence of neuronal activity within the brain that would account for what the mind does?

Before venturing to answer, it may be of interest to refer again to action that the mind seems to carry out independently, and then to reconsider briefly our experience with stimulation of the cortex of conscious patients and our experience of what effects are produced by epileptic discharge in various parts of the brain. This should give some clue if there is a mechanism that explains the mind.

“(a) What the Mind Does

It is what we have learned to call the mind that seems to focus attention. The mind is aware of what is going on. The mind reasons and makes new decisions. It understands. It acts as though endowed with an energy of its own. It can make decisions and put them into effect by calling upon various brain mechanisms. It does this by activating neuronal mechanisms. This, it seems, could only be brought about by expenditure of energy.

(b) What the Patient Thinks

When I have caused a conscious patient to move his hand by applying an electrode to the motor cortex of one hemisphere, I have often asked him about it. Invariably his response was: “I didn’t do that. You did.” When I caused him to vocalize, he said: “I didn’t make that sound. You pulled it out of me.” When I caused the record of the stream of consciousness to run again and so presented to him the record of his past experience, he marveled that he should be conscious of the past as well as of the present. He was astonished that it should come back to him so completely, with more detail than he could possibly recall voluntarily. He assumed at once that, somehow, the surgeon was responsible for the phenomenon, but he recognized the details as those of his own past experience. When one analyzes such a “flashback” it is evident, as I have said above, that only those things to which he paid attention were preserved in this permanently facilitated record.

(c) What the Electrode Can Do

I have been alert to the importance of studying the results of electrode stimulation of the brain of a conscious man, and I have recorded the results as accurately and completely as I could. The electrode can present to the patient crude sensations. It can cause him to turn head and eyes, or to move the limbs, or to vocalize and swallow. It may recall vivid re-experience of the past, or present to him an illusion that present experience is familiar, or that the things he sees are growing large and coming near. But he remains aloof. He passes judgment on it all. He says “things seem familiar,” not “I have been through this before.” He says, “things are growing larger,” but he does not move for fear of being run over. If the electrode moves his right hand, he does not say, “I wanted to move it.” He may, however, reach over with the left hand and oppose his action.

There is no place in the cerebral cortex where electrical stimulation will cause a patient to believe or to decide…

I am forced to conclude that there is no valid evidence that either epileptic discharge or electrical stimulation can activate the mind…

The mind seems to act independently of the brain in the same sense that a programmer acts independently of his computer…

For my own part, after years of striving to explain the mind on the basis of brain-action alone, I have come to the conclusion that it is simpler (and far easier to be logical) if one adopts the hypothesis that our being does consist of two fundamental elements. If that is true, it could still be true that energy required comes to the mind during waking hours through the highest brain-mechanism.

Because it seems to me certain that it will always be quite impossible to explain the mind on the basis of neuronal action within the brain, and because it seems to me that the mind develops and matures independently throughout an individual’s life as though it were a continuing element, and because a computer (which the brain is) must be programmed and operated by an agency capable of independent understanding, I am forced to choose the proposition that our being is to be explained on the basis of two fundamental elements. This, to my mind, offers the greatest likelihood of leading us to the final understanding toward which so many stalwart scientists strive…

The nature of the mind presents the fundamental problem, perhaps the most difficult and most important of all problems. For myself, after a professional lifetime spent in trying to discover how the brain accounts for the mind, it comes as a surprise now to discover, during this final examination of the evidence, that the dualist hypothesis seems the more reasonable of the two possible explanations.

Since every man must adopt for himself, without the help of science, his way of life and his personal religion, I have long had my own private beliefs. What a thrill it is, then, to discover that the scientist, too, can legitimately believe in the existence of the spirit!

(From Wilder Penfield, The Mystery of the Mind.)


Wilder Penfield set out to prove Materialism and Naturalism true; but, he ended up FALSIFYING Materialism and Naturalism instead.

This is the smoking gun – catching psyche in action completely separate from the physical brain.  This effectively solves the Mind-Brain Problem.

However, if science continues to be defined as Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism and Atheism, then science will NEVER be able to solve the Mind-Brain Problem, because Materialism and Naturalism cause the Mind-Brain Problem, not solve it.

But if instead, we choose to upgrade our science to Science 2.0 and choose to define science as Observation, Experience, Knowledge, Truth, Fact, and the Lived Experiences of the human race, then we quickly realize that the Mind-Brain Problem has already been solved by the collective Lived Experiences of the human race as a whole, including those presented to us by Wilder Penfield.

Good enough.

Since I have upgraded my science to Science 2.0, in all things I choose to go with the observational evidence rather than the philosophical guesswork of the Materialists and Naturalists.  I simply find and present the observational evidence, and then leave it up to you my reader to decide for yourself what to make of it.  Wilder Penfield made me a believer in the non-local or the non-physical, but your mileage may vary because you are a completely different person than I am.

Of course, these observed and proven realities show us the desperate need that we have for something like Quantum Neuroscience, so that we can figure out what’s really going on.

There are others out there who are smarter and much more experienced than I am; and, they could probably do a much better job of introducing and explaining Quantum Neuroscience than I can – if they actually wanted to do so, which apparently they don’t.  Therefore, it’s left up to someone like me to introduce it to the world, since nobody else is going to.

Mark My Words


The Quantum Law of Thermodynamics


The Quantum Law of Thermodynamics states that heat death is impossible at the quantum level and the psyche level.  Entropy or the second law of thermodynamics doesn’t exist in the Quantum Realm or the Spirit World.  Your Psyche, Mind, or Intelligence cannot die.

Psyche is the innate intelligence within all the different forms of energy which gives that energy the inherent ability to understand, follow, and obey God’s Laws and God’s Commands.  A Spirit or a Ghost is a spirit body and psyche combination.  The Psyche or Intelligence within a spirit body is co-eternal with God’s Psyche.  Psyche, Intelligence, Mind, Life Force, or Energy cannot be made; and, it cannot be destroyed.

Syntropy is the Conservation of Psyche or the Conservation of Energy.  The Quantum Law of Thermodynamics or Syntropy has to be real and has to be true, or we wouldn’t exist.  Our physical universe had to receive a massive infusion of Syntropy, Exergy, or Energy 13.8 billion years ago, or NONE of that subsequent entropy would have been possible.  This is Logic 101.  We see entropy at the physical level, which means that the Syntropy has to exist at the quantum level.

God revealed the Quantum Law of Thermodynamics, the Impossibility of Death at the Quantum Level, and the Conservation of Psyche to Joseph Smith over 170 years ago.  Joseph Smith talks about what God taught him in the King Follett Discourse.  Here is one of the most pertinent parts:

The Immortal Intelligence

I have another subject to dwell upon, which is calculated to exalt man; but it is impossible for me to say much on this subject.  I shall therefore just touch upon it, for time will not permit me to say all.  It is associated with the subject of the resurrection of the dead — namely, the soul — the mind of man — the immortal spirit. Where did it come from? All learned men and doctors of divinity say that God created it in the beginning; but it is not so: the very idea lessens man in my estimation.  I do not believe the doctrine; I know better.  Hear it, all ye ends of the world; for God has told me so; and if you don’t believe me, it will not make the truth without effect.  I will make a man appear a fool before I get through; if he does not believe it.  I am going to tell of things more noble.

We say that God Himself is a self-existing being.  Who told you so?  It is correct enough; but how did it get into your heads?  Who told you that man did not exist in like manner upon the same principles?  Man does exist upon the same principles.  God made a tabernacle and put a spirit into it, and it became a living soul.  How does it read in the Hebrew?  It does not say in the Hebrew that God created the spirit of man.  It says, “God made man out of the earth and put into him Adam’s spirit, and so became a living body.”

The mind or the intelligence which man possesses is co-equal [co-eternal] with God himself.  I know that my testimony is true; hence, when I talk to these mourners, what have they lost?  Their relatives and friends are only separated from their bodies for a short season: their spirits which existed with God have left the tabernacle of clay only for a little moment, as it were; and they now exist in a place where they converse together the same as we do on the earth.

I am dwelling on the immortality of the spirit of man.  Is it logical to say that the intelligence of spirits is immortal, and yet that it has a beginning?  The intelligence of spirits had no beginning, neither will it have an end.  That is good logic.  That which has a beginning may have an end.  There never was a time when there were not spirits [intelligences]; for they are co-equal [co-eternal] with our Father in heaven.

I want to reason more on the spirit of man; for I am dwelling on the body and spirit of man — on the subject of the dead.  I take my ring from my finger and liken it unto the mind of man — the immortal part, because it had no beginning.  Suppose you cut it in two; then it has a beginning and an end; but join it again, and it continues one eternal round.  So, with the spirit [intelligence] of man.  As the Lord liveth, if it had a beginning, it will have an end.  All the fools and learned and wise men from the beginning of creation, who say that the spirit of man had a beginning, prove that it must have an end; and if that doctrine is true, then the doctrine of annihilation would be true.  But if I am right, I might with boldness proclaim from the housetops that God never had the power to create the spirit [intelligence] of man at all.  God himself could not create himself.

Intelligence is eternal and exists upon a self-existent principle.  It is a spirit from age to age and there is no creation about it.  All the minds and spirits that God ever sent into the world are susceptible of enlargement.

The first principles of man are self-existent with God.  God himself, finding he was in the midst of spirits and glory, because he was more intelligent, saw proper to institute laws whereby the rest could have a privilege to advance like himself.  The relationship we have with God places us in a situation to advance in knowledge.  He has power to institute laws to instruct the weaker intelligences, that they may be exalted with Himself, so that they might have one glory upon another, and all that knowledge, power, glory, and intelligence, which is requisite in order to save them in the world of spirits.

This is good doctrine.  It tastes good.  I can taste the principles of eternal life, and so can you.  They are given to me by the revelations of Jesus Christ; and I know that when I tell you these words of eternal life as they are given to me, you taste them, and I know that you believe them.  You say honey is sweet, and so do I.  I can also taste the spirit of eternal life.  I know that it is good; and when I tell you of these things which were given me by inspiration of the Holy Spirit, you are bound to receive them as sweet, and rejoice more and more.


The mind of man, the intelligence, or the psyche is the immortal part of us because it had NO beginning; and, it cannot die nor be destroyed.  The spirit body comprised of spirit matter was made or born; but, NOT the intelligence, mind, or psyche that dwells within it.  Nevertheless, spirit matter is made from energy; and, the energy had NO beginning, and the energy cannot be destroyed.

Psyche or Mind is the innate intelligence within all the different forms of energy which gives that energy the inherent ability to understand, follow, and obey God’s Laws and God’s Commands.  Psyche or Energy cannot be made; and, it cannot be destroyed.

This is also what the Quantum Law of Thermodynamics teaches us.  Psyche cannot die.  Psyche, Mind, or Intelligence is conserved.  Heat death is impossible at the quantum level or the psyche level.  This is what has been experienced and observed.

The Quantum Law of Thermodynamics is Syntropy; and, Syntropy is the Conservation of Psyche or the Conservation of Energy.  This means that Psyche or Energy cannot be made, and it cannot be destroyed because it is always conserved.  Some of that energy can be made temporarily unavailable to us at the physical level; but, the energy is still there because the energy is always conserved.  At the quantum level, though, ALL of the energy is available for use, all of the time.  This is what the Quantum Law of Thermodynamics or Syntropy is trying to teach us.

In contrast, the purpose of Physicalism, Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Behaviorism, Determinism, Physical Reductionism, Atheism, and their derivatives is to PREVENT us from discovering the Quantum Law of Thermodynamics, Psyche, Syntropy, Mind, the Conservation of Psyche, Spirit Bodies, Spirit Matter, Action at a Distance, Immortality, Eternal Life, and God.  These people erroneously teach and believe that ONLY entropic physical matter exists, and that entropy or death is conserved.  They are wrong.

Remember, the BEST and FASTEST way to find and know the truth is to live it, experience it, observe it, and witness it for yourself, or to choose to trust someone who has.  Science is observation and experience after all.  When it comes to Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Atheism, and their derivatives, there is NOTHING to experience and NOTHING to observe.

Mark My Words



The Ultimate Model of Reality:  Psyche Is the Ultimate Cause


Other Books that Provide Scientific Proof of Psyche


Kelly, E. F., Kelly, E. W., Crabtree, A., Grosso, M., & Gauld, A. (2007). Irreducible Mind: Toward a Psychology for the 21st Century. Plymouth, United Kingdom: Rowman and Littlefield.

Buhlman, W. L. (1996). Adventures Beyond the Body: How to Experience Out-of-Body Travel. New York: HarperCollins Publishing.

Marshall, P. D., Kelly, E. F., & Crabtree A. (Eds.). (2015). Beyond Physicalism: Toward Reconciliation of Science and Spirituality. London, United Kingdom: Rowman and Littlefield.